Since 2011, Living Hope Word Church, as a part of the body of Christ acknowledges our God-ordained covenantal relationships as a fellowship of believers in the Christian Faith.  Holding in common our doctrine, polity, and philosophy of ministry, we agree to a covenant relationship expressed in dependence upon, responsibility for, and accountability to each other God's grace.  


Our Vision

We Shall Be God's Treasured Vessel, Filled with God's Glory, Pouring the Hope of Jesus Christ, into the Lives of All People, by Loving God, Loving People and Loving to Serve.  

We believe that the Church is composed of all persons who have been regenerated by the Holy Spirit since the day of Pentecost, following Christ’s resurrection.
— Pastor Carlos Jones, Living Hope Word Church

History of Living Hope Word Church

Living Hope Word Church (LHWC) was founded by Pastor Carlos Jones with the support of his wife Arnithra Jones.  Joining in the birth of the church were four other families (Cedric and Angie Jordan and children, Torrance and Kriston Pittman and daughter, Jarvin and Jacqueline Wright and children, Andy and Shawnte Allen and son.)  The five families began to asemble as G.O.D Soldier Ministries, an outreach ministry founded by Pastor Carlos Jones in 1998.  Jack Walker blessed the ministry with the use of one of his buildings (121 Building) at no charge.  The ministry held its first meeting, called "Super Sunday", on August 8, 2010 at five o'clock in the evening and continued to meet every 2nd and 4th Sunday at five o'clock in the evening.  Living Hope Word Church was incorporated on Ocober 29, 2010 and became associated (under watch care) with the Laurens Baptist Association as a new church plant.  The association blessed LHWC with a church edifice at 101 Pearl St. East Dublin, Ga. (our current place of worship).  LHWC held its first worship service in the new edifice on November 7, 2010.  The first service was blessed with 64 in attendance, 8 new members and 5 salvations.  Within the first month, membership doubled and several people people gave their life to Christ Jesus.  Within the first year, membership was at at 83 members.  Within the second year of operation attendance continued to grow and weekly attendance averages from 150 to 170 people. 

Within the first year, God enabled Living Hope to make great accomplishments.  A projector and new P.A. systemwere installed, a church van and church sign were purchased.  The sanctuary was renovated as well.  After successfully fulfilling all expectations and meeting the requirements of watch care, the LHWC was voted into the fellowship of the Laurens Baptist Association on October 16, 2011. 

Three deacons were ordained in the first year (Deacon Jarvin Wright, Deacon Andy Allen, and Deacon Cedric Jordan).  Also in the first year, Torrance Pittman, Travis Beasley, and Jerome White were appointed trustees for the church.  In the second year, Deacon Elijah Greer was accepted into the Deacon Ministry as an ordained deacon, and Jerome White was ordained as a deacon.  The church accepted two sons of the house (Minister Stefan Brown and Minister Antwan Lloyd) and two daughters of the house (Minister Virginia Brown and Minister Sylvia Rozier). 

Living Hope Word Church continued to make progressive strives within its second year.  More ministries were birth to move the ministry forward along with the present ministries (King's Daughters and Sons' of Thunder).  The ministries that were birth within the second year were:  Adult/Youth choir, Sound the Alarm, Youth Bible Study, I.M.P.A.C.T Youth Ministry, Intercessory Prayer Team.  The Program Committee was formed as well.  Youth Sunday School and teachers were added.  The deeds to the church and building were transferred into Living Hope Word Church name, and given sole rights and ownership over the property to function freely as God will allow.  Within the first five years of Living Hope's birth, God provided LHWC with a new sanctuary to add onto the old sanctuary.